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  • #1250763

    I try to make a site more accessible. I am afraid I see no possibility to get the navigation navigable with keyboard. The menu contains mega menu and columns. Can you please assist?
    I did try and implement but it doesn’t affect the submenues in my case, I think because of the mega menus.
    Thanks in advance.


    Hey devwp,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The modifications above should also work for the mega menu. Please try to add the modifications again, then toggle or temporarily disable the Performance > File Compression settings to refresh the scripts and stylesheets.

    Best regards,


    Hey Ismael,
    thank you for your support!
    The file compression is not active on the site, a caching plugin is. I already cleared the cache, unfortenately the modifications do not work. The menu is still being skipped completely.
    I added the URL in the private content field.



    Thank you for the update.

    We were able to reproduce the issue on our local installation and managed to find a possible solution. Please edit the js > avia-snippet-megamenu.js file, look for this code around line 152:

    //bind event for mega menu
    			megaItems.each(function (i) {
    					function () {
    						delayCheck[i] = true;
    						setTimeout(function () { megaDivShow(i); }, options.delay);
    					function () {
    						delayCheck[i] = false;
    						setTimeout(function () { megaDivHide(i); }, options.delay);

    .., and replace it with:

    //bind event for mega menu
    			megaItems.each(function (i) {
    					function () {
    						delayCheck[i] = true;
    						setTimeout(function () { megaDivShow(i); }, options.delay);
    					function () {
    						delayCheck[i] = false;
    						setTimeout(function () { megaDivHide(i); }, options.delay);
    				$(this).find('>a').focus(function () {
    					delayCheck[i] = true;
    					setTimeout(function () { megaDivShow(i); }, options.delay);
    				$(this).find('>.avia_mega_div > ul li:last-child > ul li:last-child a').focusout(function () {
    					delayCheck[i] = false;
    					setTimeout(function () { megaDivHide(i); }, options.delay);

    Please do not forget to toggle the Performance > File Compression settings after doing the modification.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    thanks a lot! I tested it and it works perfectly :)
    Now that the navigation works, can you give me a hint how to display the :focus correctly on the menu?

    :focus {
        outline: 3px solid #333333!important;

    works, but in the menu the focus.borders are cut off.



    You are welcome! Glad it is working. To change the focus style, please try to use this css code.

    #top #header .av-main-nav > li a:focus {
    	color: red !important;
            outline: 3px solid #333333!important;

    Best regards,


    Hi and thanks again,

    your code does the same as mine ;)
    Problem is, the border is not correctly shown on the menu, but just a border at the bottom or just a border on the left of a menu entry.



    What happens when you replace outline with the border property? This should create lines around the text when focused.

    Best regards,


    yes, this does the trick, thanks a lot for your help!


    Hi devwp,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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