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  • #1088678

    How do I change the code on the shortcode for inserting buttons so the link within the button is nofollow?
    I want to insert affiliate links into these buttons – but the links must be nofollow.

    This is the current shortcode I have:

    [av_button label='LINK TITLE HERE' link='manually,LINK HERE' link_target='_blank' size='x-large' position='left' label_display='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='custom' custom_bg='#fff000' custom_font='#000000' av_uid='' admin_preview_bg='']


    Hey alicewp,

    Please refer to the following:

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    Thank you. This is what I need except I want all buttons to be no-follow, not just specific ones.

    Therefore, in the ‘your-custom-class’ what would be the class to capture all types of buttons? would it be .av_button

    jQuery('.your-custom-class a').attr('rel','nofollow');




    Please try this to see if you have any luck with it:


    Best regards,

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