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  • #965595

    Hi Enfold team!

    I tried using the code below to make my “fat” custom separator thicker, but it’s not working.

    .hr-custom .hr-inner.inner-border-av-border-fat {
        border-top-width: 4px;

    Can you look into this please and provide a working code?

    Thank you! :)


    Please post a link to the page in question.


    I changed your code to this:

    .hr-custom .hr-inner.inner-border-av-border-fat {
        border-top-width: 4px !important; 

    Please clear your cache and check.

    Best regards,


    Awesome work Mike! Thank you so much! :)

    Here’s the link to the site, thank you for the assistance Kevin!



    Glad we could help!
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    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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