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  • #1224493

    Hi Enffold,

    I have an image that I have cut an image into 3 images / sections.

    I need the 3 images to appear side by side to create 1 image without padding, spaces, gaps or margins so that it looks like one graphic when viewed on a desktop.

    When viewed on a mobile device I need these images to “stack” one on top of the other.

    I have tried every element in the Enfold arsenal and nothing is doing this.

    I have for the time being created a page with a text box in it. I have added the 3 images to to text box. They are actually flush with each other, but because of the padding or margins of the text box, the last images in the trio is being pushed to a new line.

    Here is a page with the graphic(s).

    I have added log in credentials for you should you need them.

    * * *

    Here is the effect I am going for.
    When that page is viewed on a mobile device the image with the dates in the middle of the page “Stacks.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by dameonjamie. Reason: images from dropbox did not load

    Hey Dameon,

    You need to add the 1/3+1/3+1/3 cells and add images in the cells, this way they will stack on mobile.

    Best regards,


    thank you. sorry 4 the late reply. so all 3 images need to be the same size?



    That would likely be necessary in order to make it look the way you want, yes.

    Best regards,

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