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  • #1059662


    If I set the maintenance mode in the Enfold menu and select a dedicated maintenance page this results in two errors:
    – maintenance page is not loaded
    – other pages are shown but incorrectly. The white divs (containing the buttons) are thrown off there position.

    Please advice on what to do.

    Best regards,



    I noticed the same. Instead of the indicated maintenance page parts of the frontpage will be shown.
    So far, I set the maintenance page as frontpage to show at least the maintenance page correct.
    Any solution on this?


    Dear Enfold team,

    Can anyone of you shed some light on this matter?

    I also have some additional information that might help in the trouble shooting. As I realised that the main menu was not functional on the maintenance page, I switched it off. The result is as follows:
    – Still the home page is shown instead of maintenance page
    – But is now shown without the menu.

    So in building the maintenance page all goes well until the module has to start writing the actual content (presumably the body). When it comes to that it reverts to the content/body of the original URL which it returns it with a couple of errors in the layout.

    I am now working on a test version. See the credentials in the private section of this message

    @ Thomas: that is a nice quick and dirty workaround. Another temporarily solution would be to make a simple html maintenance page and create a redirect using the .htaccess file as explained here. This way the maintenance page is also shown if pages other than the homepage are selected


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Jan_FtFA. Reason: added reamark about geust admind account in private info

    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the login details and sorry for the late reply, the WordPress login details are not working though. Could you check and verify please?

    Best regards,


    Hi McBrugg,

    Please open a new thread and include admin login details in private so that we can have a closer look at your site.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    The login is working now on the test site. The credentials remained the same.

    Best regards,




    : I just opened a new thread incl login info as advised.

    : Yes, very quick and dirty :-), but I needed a solution fast. Redirect via .htaccess changes would not work for me since I have to give access to other users with “unknown” IP addresses …

    Best regards,


    I have an additional observation: when I switch off the header and footer on the maintenance page, the header and footer are gone indeed (when I view the page through its normal URL). However, when I log off from WP, the header and footer return. When I log in again, the setting is still at “Blank – No Header, no Footer”

    Now the interesting thing is, I made another page (testje) and when I switch of the header & footer there, it is functioning as it should, i.e. the header and footer don’t return when I log off.

    Still I am surprised if it would be related to the above issue, but then again it also happens with this maintenance page.

    : do you see the same behaviour with your maintenance page?


    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the update, though I’m still not able to login to WordPress. I get an error message that the user doesn’t exist. I’m trying with the details in private.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hi Jan,
    Mike just found the problem on my site … the Yoast plugin caused the problem with the maintenance page. After deactivating Yoast everything worked perfect again.
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards


    Hi Thomas,
    Very thoughtful of you to give this feedback. Thanks!
    I have All In One SEO Pack and lo and behold, if I deactivate it, I can set the maintenance mode!
    Although this presents a workaround, it would be nice if the issue could be solved.

    Best regards,



    , I just found your thread and was going to tell you about the Yoast issue, but I see that @McBrugg already has. The dev team to working on this issue now. You can try this fix:
    Replace the file /enfold/functions-enfold.php with the one in the linked below, please save a copy of the original one as a backup.

    Best regards,


    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for you answer. Unfortunately it did not solve the issue. My observations are:

    • When Maintenance Mode is selected with the new functions-enfold.php, the originally intended page is still shown
    • Still the postions and sizes of some divs are affected
    • The cookie banner is displayed again
    • The cookie banner seems to be different than the original one

    To simulate a non-user looking at the site I use a different browser (browser B) to look at the site once set to maintenance mode (in browser A). So the above observations are in Browser B. In Browser A, when I am still logged in as user, I can view the site but with the red remark that the site is in maintenance mode, so that part is working.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the feedback, it was worth a try, please restore your backup functions-enfold.php file and use the temp solution of deactivating Yoast while the dev team works on this.

    Best regards,


    yes okay.
    FYI: I use All In One SEO Pack. The phenomenon is the same, but may be the solution is different which could explain that the proposed solution did not work.



    Thank you for the feedback, I added this note to the bug thread for the dev team about this solution.

    Best regards,



    I installed the 4.5.2 update of Enfold theme and I noticed the issue is solved.
    This thread can be closed




    If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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