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  • #1365071

    I can’t find how to change this logo. I uploaded the demo page to my wordpress and am now editing it. I put the maintenance mode as the main page and just need to change this logo as well. Thanks


    Hey ivopivo,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The Logo option is located in the Enfold > Theme Options panel. The Upload button should open the media library where you can add a new image and insert it as logo. You can also disable the maintenance mode in the same panel.

    Best regards,


    I understand and I did upload my photo there. However this is my issue… I need maintenance mode because I am currently working on my website. When I do enable maintenance mode and direct it to the maintenance page, I can edit the page as I want but I can’t remove your Enfold logo from that page.

    Now that I test it, the maintenance mode enabled isn’t even working and my domain goes to a blank page “service unavailable”. Any idea how to fix this?


    Thanks for the link to your site, but I got a 503 error when I tried to view it, I assume that you don’t want to show the logo or menu on the maintenance page, so try disabling the header for that one page by going to the backend of the page and in the layout admin sidebar choose Hide header on this page in the Header visibility and transparency option.

    Best regards,


    Ok I’ll try it. Can you tell me how to get rid of the text in the footer that says “Enfold Theme by Kriesi”?



    Thank you for the update.

    You can remove the default copyright link by adding the [nolink] flag in the Enfold > Footer > Copyright field.

    Best regards,


    I want only this to show up in my footer “Copyright © 2022 LUSTR”

    What do I type in the footer box to make only that appear, without the Enfold link?


    Hi ivopivo,

    You can type this in your copyright field: Copyright © 2022 LUSTR [nolink]

    Best regards,


    Thanks. Another issue I can’t resolve is contact form Enfold Numeric Captcha… Due to the extra text the box to enter an answer in captcha is lower than the others, can that be fixed somehow as it looks bad and inconsistent.


    Would you want to change the text so it is less text, or move the other elements down to match?

    Best regards,


    Change the text.


    Hi ivopivo,

    Instead of using numeric recaptcha, try using google reCaptcha v3, as it will not show any field.
    Also, you can check Hide Form Labels on your form (under Styling) so text shows inside the textfield instead of above it.

    Best regards,

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