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  • #1362980

    Hi team,
    I would like these pages to be visible also on smartphone. Is there a way to do this ? I’ve looked anywhere I could think of, and found nothing.
    Thanks in advance and kind regards,


    Hi Natacha,

    I tried to check on those pages on a mobile device however it does show up on my end.
    Are you referring to a specific section not showing on mobile?

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks for your answer. I’m talking about the menus called “Visites guidées”, ” Visiter Berne”, and +A propos”: they are menus, but they are also pages. On smartphone and tablets the menu is under the form of 3 horizontal lines, and when one clicks on it it goes to the pages CONTAINED in the menu, but not in PAGE THAT IS ALSO A MENU.


    Hi HulaSlim,

    I see, that’s because the parent menu item does not go to the link instead displays/hides submenu items, please do the following:
    1. Go to Enfold > Main Menu > Burger/Mobile Menu.
    2. set Menu Icon Submenu Items to Display submenu items on click.
    3. set Clone Title Menu Items To Submenu to Create a clone for the title menu item
    Hope this helps.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    Thanks for the explanation. It was not set on clone, so I did it and it works, but I actually din’t want to repeat the menu, since like that it is not clear it is a parent menu. Since the menu opens on hovering, is there a way to set a link on the menu to make it go to the general page ? Or at least to make it look a parent menu by using fat letters and capitals ?
    Thanks again and regards,


    Mobile devices don’t have a “hover” function, so your other option would be to choose Menu Icon Submenu Items ▸ Always display submenu items.
    Please see our burger menu documentation here.

    Best regards,


    This is great Mike ! Problem solved.
    Thank you so much.
    Best regards,


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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