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  • #713682

    Hi Yigit,

    at first thx a lot again for your help with my last/first problem! :-)

    Post Link:

    And now, here are my new questions for you…and your colleagues. :-)

    Question 1: Main-Menu in combination with sidebar-pages

    Please click here…see link 1 in private content field.

    This is the “service-area“ of my site and there you see that I have a sidebarnavigation on the left side.
    You can see further, that the word “service“ in the mainmenu is active (green) and the first point
    “why designbasis“ in the sidebar is active (dark red), too.

    But if you click on another point like “corporate design“, only this point stay active, but not any longer
    the word “service“ in the mainmenu. Of course I know, why it is so technicaly. But the logic of the
    navigation is here not really correct, isn’t it? The mainmenu “service“ have to, or let me better say “must“,
    stay active also by the other navigation-areas. How do I do this?

    Question 2: Where can I change the highlight-colour of the back-button?

    Please click here…see link 2 in private content field.

    If you go over the “back-button“ on the right side, you’ll see a white highlight in the button/text. It looks
    not very pretty, or clean. ;-/ Where can I change the colour, or even better “turn off“ the highlight-colour. :-)

    Question 3: Font-Styling in the advanced-styling-area

    Please click here…see link 3 in private content field.

    A few minutes before I read that this area is still a active BETA. So, maybe this is the answer, why it not
    works correctly. ;-/

    The Lato-Font-Family has much more weights, than you show in the “weights-pulldown-menu“. Why is it
    so? I like to have more than only these three ones, please! ;-)

    Question 4: Google-Fonts

    Please click here…see link 4 in private content field.
    Please click here…see link 5 in private content field.

    I’ve installed this Plugin and the developer-team says, that it allows me to choose from over 600+ google fonts.
    But in the “Enfold-Styling-Menu“ I have much less fonts than 600+. I know, the screenshot shows only the fonts
    for the body text. But this is the most important to me. Why is it so? I also entered a valid Api Key in the preferences.

    I hope that my explanations are plain enough. :-) In advance thx for your support!



    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) Did you set the “Leistungen” as parent page of the sub pages? It should automatically add a special class attribute to the parent menu item if you did.

    2.) Please add this in the Quick CSS field.

    .main_color .avia-color-theme-color:hover {
        background-color: #69090c;

    3.) I’m sorry but this is the only avaible weights for the “Lato” font at the moment. If you want to define a different font weight, you have to use the Quick CSS field.

    4.) The plugin will not affect the theme options. I think they have their own font panel so you have to use that. Please contact the plugin author for more info.

    Best regards,


    Hai Ismael,

    thank you for your Feedback!

    Answer 1)
    No, I didn’t, but today i did. :-) Take a look at Link 1. You meant this, right?
    However, after I have done it, unfortunately, nothing has changed. Ok,
    not nothing…the menu-structure did…see link 2 and 3. Everything works fine,
    but the menu-point/word „service“ still doesn’t stay active green. Where
    is the mistake?

    Answer 2)
    Yes, quite nicely, but it does not persuade me to 100%, sorry. ;-) But ok,
    I take it for the moment. :-)

    Answer 3)
    Ok, I understand, but which basic command do I have to put in the CSS field
    for that? Can you give me an example, please?

    Answer 4)
    Ok, I understand. Maybe do you know a font-plugin, which works better with
    the enfold-theme?

    To begin with many thanks for your help!

    Best regards



    Thank you for the update.

    1.) The class attribute is there now and the only thing missing is the css styling. Please add the following code in the Quick CSS field and adjust the color value as you wish.

    .current-page-ancestor .avia-menu-text {
        color: green;

    2.) I’m not so sure what you meant by that because the code should disable the hover effect.

    3.) Which text or element would you like to apply the font? Please provide a specific element so that we can give you the proper selector. Or provide a link to the page.

    4.) I don’t know of any plugin that will create an automatic option in the theme so you have to make use of the existing font options or use the plugins above but you still have to specify the font-family property in the Quick CSS field or the style.css file. For example, if you want to change the body or the paragraph text, you can add something like the following.

    body, body p {
       font-family: "nameofthefont";
       font-weight: 300;

    If possible, please create a different post for each inquiry. Thank you!

    Best regards,


    Hi again Ismael,

    thx for your new answers!
    And next time I will create different posts, promised! :-)

    To 1)
    As you can see here (link 1), the new code works fine, but at the moment it
    works only in Safari. It doesn’t work in FF, Vivaldi or Chrome. And of course
    I deleted the cache of the browsers. ;-)
    And unfortunately this other css code doesn’t work correctly, too:
    “.current-menu-item span.avia-menu-text:before { content: ” { “; }
    .current-menu-item span.avia-menu-text:after { content: ” } “; }
    Please compare it with link 2.

    To 2)
    Maybe the color-number was/is not exactly. I changed it. After that it’s better, but
    the word „overview/summary“ has still a flickering effect. That’s what I meant.
    (see link 3)

    To 3)
    This point has not my top priority at the moment, so I come back to it at a later time.

    To 4)
    This point has also not my top priority at the moment, so I come back to it at a later time, too. :-)

    Have a nice week and I’m looking forward to your new answers!

    Best regards



    1.) It is working when I applied it in the browser inspector. Please post the login details here so that we can check the css codes.

    2.) Did you remove the css code? I checked the link and the hover color of the back button still there.



    Good Evening Ismael,

    thx for your feedback!

    To 1) Here are my login details: see pc-box
    PS: After a new testing, it works here also in FF, Vivaldi and Chrome…fine! :-)
    But the brackets are still not there. Only at the first point „why designbasis“,
    but this was already clear, because this site is the “parent site“. :-)

    To 2) No, I didn’t. The code is still there. You can see here (Link 1).
    Maybe you can check it also, if you check the other codes.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by designbasis.


    We moved the css modifications at the very top of the Quick CSS field. However, I’m not sure why the “back” button modification is still not working. The initial and hover state background color is set to “#8b0b1e”.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    an hour ago I’ve read in the web-news, that there was an heavy earthquake in indonesia.
    You are from indonesia, aren’t you? So, I hope very much, that you are ok!!

    Thx again for your answer. So, that means, that I’ve to wait until the next bigger Enfold-
    Update, right? :-)

    Unfortunately you answered only the second question. What’s about the braces (not brackets;)
    in the navigation-menu? Please take a look at the screenshots 1 and 2. The braces are still
    only at “why designbasis“, because it is the “parent page“. But if you klick any other page, for
    example, at “logo/signet“, the braces are not there anymore.

    With kind regards



    I’m from the “Pearl of the Orient Seas” but thank you. I hope that they are ok.

    For the braces, please use this.

    .current-page-ancestor .avia-menu-text:before {
        content: " { ";
    .current-page-ancestor .avia-menu-text:after{
        content: " } ";

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    good to hear that you are ok! But the Philippines are not so far away from Indonesia…so thank god…

    Thx again for your new answer. The new code works fine, so the problem is solved…thx for it!

    With best regards

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by designbasis.


    Glad we could help!
    We really appreciate it if you rate our theme on themeforest
    To know more about enfold features please check –
    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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