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  • #1159726

    I’ve got a page that is using a portfolio masonry grid with sort filter links in place. We are using the filter links as the sub-nav of the page. When I place the “sub-nav” where my designer wants it – the links don’t work.
    It appears that the Main menu (header) link hover area is covering my filter links and blocking them from working.
    When I set it up so the filter links are above the header elements (z-index), the whole grid is in front, and my header ends up behind it when I scroll. Therefore, I have to leave the header (main menu) on the top layer.
    How do I make the link hover area smaller for the header area (main menu)?


    Hey VIA_Architecture,

    Best regards,


    That worked perfectly. Thank you so very much!


    Hi VIA_Architecture,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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