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  • #555325

    I am having trouble with the drop down menu off the Main Menu. Sometimes it drops down as a vertical list (this is what I want) in smaller font size, and sometimes it drops down as a horizontal submenu with larger bold font. How can I control this?
    Thanks for the help.


    Hi ronmann!

    Can you send us a link to your page so we can take a look? You can set your reply as private if you wish.



    Thanks so much for getting back to me. I have my site on a local website for development. It is not uploaded yet. I did finally find the solution to this issue as the MegaMenu’s were sometimes checked and sometimes not. I don’t know how this happened, but I did fix that. My bigger issue is on another thread about getting the custom class to work with my child theme CSS. Nobody has responded to that question yet. I would appreciate any help on that topic.
    Happy Holidays,


    Hi Ron,

    It’s very difficult for us to help you out when you’re only working locally, do you have the possibility to upload to a live server so that we can have a look? We’ll help you out with your other problem as well but we’ll need to be able to inspect the element itself in order to give you a solution.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    I will see what I can do to get on a live server. It might take me a few days to get this up but I will get back to you when I do.
    Thanks for keeping in touch. I do want to figure this out. I have found that if I use global tags like h3 or list tags like dh, li, or dt my css works fine. It is only when I am trying to isolate the code to a specific element on a specific page that I am lost.

    I will be in touch.



    Yes the general tags work fine, because they go ahead and replace everything that is inside there and overwritte any CSS.
    For you, you have to target the dropdown specific elements. Althgough, as it loads with different font, it is stramnge for the same element.

    Do you have any cache layers active?



    I believe the cache is clear. I think I am not targeting the dropdown specific element correctly. Do I have to identify the specific page like “id-(put url here) in the identifying code?



    Please go to Appearance > Menus and check if you chose to display any of your parent menu items as Mega Menu –

    Best regards,

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