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  • #936835

    Hello again. So was toying with advanced styling for the Main Menu of my site. Just trying out options, but I ended up not liking them and deleting the advanced styling I added. It won’t revert back to how it was before, it is stuck on one of the versions I was trying, even though I cleared out the advanced styling changes. I’m referring to the main menu at the very top of the page.

    What I was trying to do originally is change the font to Metrophobic, and all caps, yet still maintain the colour and mouse-hover colour that was originally set.

    Now it is stuck on Metrophobic, a colour I don’t want anymore, and no hover colour change. :(


    Hey ChristineGerman,

    Are your running any custom css from within quick css or the custom.css file? If so, and it is mal-formed it can prevent the styles from running.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    I am but only this in quick CSS…doesn’t pertain to the main menu text:




    Now I’ve deleted the quick CSS text and saved changes. The main menu went back to normal. I tried to re-add the quick CSS text again and it won’t work, it is doing nothing, eventhough it worked perfectly well before.


    Please try adding your css to WordPress > Customize > Additional CSS
    to see if it will work there.
    Also if you have any cache plugins, please clear, along with your browser cache.

    Best regards,

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