Hey kodacurrie,
Please provide a link to the site/page in question so we can look at this issue further.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
Sorry. Here is the site:
It’s the big main image — shows up in Safari and on mobile but not on Chrome.
Thanks for that. Are you referring to the LayerSlider which appears first on the page? If so then it looks fine on my end using Chrome, I get the same results as in Safari. Did you try loading the page in an incognito window?
Best regards,
Yes that’s what I’m referring to. The lighthouse image.
I tried incognito and it doesn’t show up there either in Chrome.
It’s just a big gray area.
Please try disabling all active plugins to see if the issue resolves.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon
I can’t disable the plugins without affecting the site, can I? I don’t want to break something else!
It’s only temporary,once deactivated just reactivate if nothing changes. You can also ensure that a backup taken beforehand.
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon