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  • #451449

    I can’t seem to get a main content background image to show in the left sidebar layout. I can see it in the css — and if I tile it horizontally it shows in the preview — but it doesn’t show on the site. Any clues for me? Thanks!


    Hi sky19er!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Please try this:

    header_color .header_bg {
      background-color: red !important;



    OK, I tried that — it’s in there now — didn’t seem to do anything… oh I see; you left the dot off the first class selector. So yeah, that turns the whole left column red (I can’t leave it like that, but I have a screen grab linked below). I’m trying to get a background image to tile vertically and align either top-right in that left column or top left in the body area. I can get it to align top left in the left column, but disappears when I go top right, and I can’t get it to show at all in the body area.

    Thanks again!



    All you need to do is to replace the background-color property with the background or background-image property:

    Set the background position then enable background repeat if you’re applying a pattern. A screenshot of what you’re after will help.



    Well, I’m trying to get it to show up between the header/left column and the body area. So, I could put it in the header and use background-position to push it to the right, but then it’s behind the borders and in the middle of the mobile version header. So, ideally, it’d be at the left edge of the body area, but I think it’s getting hidden behind the body area somehow. You can see that it’s there if you squeeze the browser to tablet width (see ), but it disappears in the desktop layout.

    So, in other words, here’s what I’m after:
    And I’m getting it in mobile/tablet view, but not in desktop.




    You would need to use some media queries to achive that, and it is outside our support scope.
    You can use our partners on customizations, to assist you further:

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Basilis.

    But background images don’t seem to work at all in the Main Content area. The option is provided in the theme, and background images show in the General Styling preview, but they don’t show on the site.

    Here’s a screen grab of the preview:

    But nothing on the site:

    You can see the code in there, but it’s not working:



    Can u please provide us with backend access?


    This reply has been marked as private.


    You can do something like this:

    #header:after {
      content: '';
      background-color: red;
      width: 5px;
      height: 100%;
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
      top: 0;
      right: 0;

    Add the alternating color background as background image. Use css media queries to adjust the background on smaller screens.



    OK, so the theme option for adding a background image to the Main Content area doesn’t work in the Left Sidebar layout, correct?



    I think it should work. Are you using any caching plugin? if yes go into it’s setting and switch off caching. Afterwards deactivate all your plugins. Clear browser cache and refresh your website a few times.

    Hope this helps.



    I don’t think that’s the issue — the background image shows in the header, footer, etc. — it just doesn’t show in the Main Content area, where I need it ;) You should easily be able to test this on your end — I think you’ll find that the theme option for adding a background image to the Main Content area doesn’t work in the Left Sidebar layout. Please let me know if I’m mistaken.



    Actually, the option is working for the left sidebar. Note that you can change the “Left Sidebar” header background in the Logo Area panel, not on the Main Content panel. If you have a chance, try the latest suggestion above. It works to create a smashingmagazine-border-like-design on my installation



    Wait, are you saying that adding a background image in the Main Content area (in the Left Sidebar layout) does work? As far as I can tell, that option doesn’t work. And adding a right-aligned background image in the Logo Area via the option panel doesn’t seem to work either. Am I wrong about either of those things? I mean, it’s ok if they don’t work; you can just tell us, “Sorry, you’re right, those options don’t work in the Left Sidebar layout. We’ll try to either fix or remove those options in a future update,” or something like that… ;)

    Your suggestion above puts a background color behind the border / menu divider lines. If you can send me css for a background image that’ll show up above / on top of the border / menu divider lines, that could work, but I couldn’t even figure out how to make your suggestion work with a background image.

    Thanks again.



    I just tried to implement a background-image into my main content with left sidebar and it worked. I used this code:

    main.template-page.content.av-content-small.units {
    background-image: url(

    Hope this helps!


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Andy.

    OK, that didn’t quite work for me — that puts the image inside the container padding or something, so it’s 50px from the left edge, and if I try to move it left, it disappears. Also, that only worked on my inside pages, not my home page (maybe because my home page doesn’t have a sidebar). BUT, that did help me get to something that does work, which is this:

    .main_color.container_wrap .container {
    	background: transparent url( top left repeat-y scroll;

    FYI, I’m sticking with the horizontal footer version for now, so the above isn’t actually implemented on my site, at the moment.

    Thanks for persevering with me, nonetheless ;)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by sky19er.


    about which horizontal footer version are you talking about? can you show us screenshots? and a link please?
    I can’t open your website, as I just get a “Gateway Timeout: can’t connect to remote host” error.



    Oh I’m sorry — I didn’t mean I needed any more help — I was just pointing out that, if you go to the site, you won’t see the vertical background image left-aligned in the Main Content because (once I was able to finally do it and see what it looked like) I decided using the horizontal version in the footer looked better anyway.

    The site seems to be working fine, now — maybe it was a transient error:

    Thanks again.



    Alright. Glad we could help. :)

    Best regards,

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