Another feedback to my previouse issue that was not resolved. I installed a SurveyMonkey popup and it works on all pages and posts where it’s installed. Mailchimp pop up does not.
Here is the link to the post where I installed both popups and only Surveymonkey works
I want to be able to have different mailchimp signups on different posts.
Hey Jack,
I’m not sure what is going on on that page, there seems to be several popups happening at the same time. Unfortunately we cannot provide support for third party plugins like SurveyMonkey, you will have to refer to their support. If you should need help with Mailchimp then we can help you out, though you will have to deactivate SurveyMonkey in order for us to debug any issue you might be having with it.
Best regards,
Surveymonkey popup are off on that specifice page. I turned them on to help you see that other popus work while mailchimp does not work either alone or combined with the surveymonkey code.