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  • #651695


    I am trying to change the color of my mailchimp form button. After adding this to the quick css:

    #mc_embed_signup input.button: {
    color: #ffffff ;
    background: #2e8986;

    #mc_embed_signup input.button:hover {
    color: #ffffff ;
    background-color: #f1529c ;

    The hover colors are working. But the original button color still remains as the default grey. Am i missing something?

    Thank you.


    Hey limyj0923,

    I checked the link you’ve provided, but can’t find any mailchimp form or button. Make sure to provide us a precise link showing the elements in question.

    Best regards,


    Hi Andy,

    The form appears when you scroll down. I have also attached the link to the screenshots for that here. So what I mean is that the button remains the default color with that code, but it changes fine to the hover color.

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by limyj0923. Reason: added links


    There is a small error in your CSS code without the hover effect. You placed a ‘:’ after the word button, please correct the first half of the code to the following:

    #mc_embed_signup input.button {
        color: #ffffff;
        background: #2e8986;

    Best regards,


    Hey, thanks for pointing that out, it’s fine now :)

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