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  • #562758


    How can I translate “first name” “last name” and “email address” that show up in the in the blank fields visitors can fill in to subscribe? Also the error messages need to be translated.

    MailChimp is hooked up and I’ve chosen the right list already.

    Also, in stead of showing a thank you message, is it possible to forward subscribers to a thank you page?

    Kind regards


    Hey egoRaven!

    You can use a plugin, like locotranslate

    and use it to translate / rename any elements you want.
    Do let us know if you need anything else, we will be more than happy to help you out.

    Best regards,


    Hello Basilis,

    I installed the plugin, but it doesn’t find the text it has to translate. Is that because I use the Enfold Mailchimp newsletter signup widget? If you take a look at the footer of the website you’ll see everything is still in English.

    Can you take a look please?




    I would like to access the site but the username above is missing. Please check. If I am not mistaken, you can modify the forms in the mailchimp dashboard. Go to the Lists panel, select a list then go to the Signup Forms tab. Edit the form and its label.

    Best regards,


    I did everything in MailChimp but the default values in the WordPress enfold widget still remain in English. Can you take a quick look please?




    I checked your widget area and I can see that you are using “InspiRei nieuwsbrief”, but this one is not translated in your mailchimp account, as you can see in Enfold->Newsletter. “Inspirerende tips van Ingrid De Cooman” is translated correctly. Please check it.


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