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  • #307564


    Please could you show me how to make the thumbnails bigger and with a colour border? Also how do I remove the date that is displayed next to the thumbnail?

    Thanks in advance.


    Hi Wils1234!

    1) You can add a background color to the preview thumbnail div element – insert the code into the child theme style.css or quick css field:

    .av-magazine-thumbnail {
        background-color: #333;

    and change the color value if necessary.

    2) You can hide the date with this code:

    #top .main_color .av-magazine-time{
    display: none;

    3) Use this code to change the thumbnail size:

    #top .av-magazine-thumbnail, #top .av-magazine-thumbnail a, #top .av-magazine-thumbnail a img {
        width: 100px;
        min-height: 100px;

    and replace 100px with your thumbnail size. If the images display blurry you may increase the thumbnail size of the images – insert this code into the child theme functions.php (or enfold/functions.php) file:

    add_filter('avf_magazine_settings', 'avia_magazine_thumbnail', 10, 2);
    function avia_magazine_thumbnail($atts, $magazine){
    $atts['image_size']['small'] = 'square';
    return $atts;

    and replace “square” with another thumbnail size like: ‘masonry’, featured’, ‘featured_large’, ‘portfolio’, ‘gallery’, ‘entry_with_sidebar’,’entry_without_sidebar’,extra_large’ or “magazine”

    Best regards,


    I am able to change the size of the thumbnail but then the text is not aligned to the image any more. Any suggestions?



    Send us a link to your page and take a screenshot highlighting the exact changes your trying to do and we’ll take a look. You can set your reply as private if you wish.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Elliott.

    Here is the link :
    when the thumbnail increases in size the text and alignment go out of alignment:(
    We are also experiencing issues with chrome. It works on macs but not pc.



    Please add the following class .av-magazine-content-wrap the same size you have added to your thumbnails.



    Thanks that worked!

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