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  • #517347

    a couple questions about the page below:
    I regenerated my thumbnails and now my magazine elements are messed up – see link below
    they are the wrong aspect ratio, even after I used simple image sizes plugin to recrop the images fx # ecu-52) it is still the wrong size in the mag element.
    the images are fine in the sidebars on the page in the second link below – they are a bit smaller. I have some css that sets the size of the mag image size – but have not changed them. Can you help me fix this?

    I have 2 mag elements on the page, stacked on top on the right side. O

      ne I want to show to members and one to nonmembers – I have given them IDS – do you know how I can target the different elements for “members” and “nonmembers”? I can use shortcodes [members] and [nonmembers] in text blocks but not sure how to do it in the css with #members.


    Hi Munford!

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    1.) Did you set the crop parameter of the Thumbnail size to false? Please go Settings > Media then enable the “Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional)”. Regenerate the thumbnails afterwards.

    2.) I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to do here. Please provide a screenshot. Use imgur or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael
    Thanks for taking a look at the site.
    1. I am working on that – thanks – I wondered about that “cropping” setting on the thumbnails…I think that’s the problem

    2. I have 2 magazine elements – one with dev. ID “members” and one “nonmembers”. I am using WordPress Access Control plugin to control the content that members/nonmembers sees by using the [members][/members] shortcode in text content, or in my widgets with ” !is_user_logged_in() ‘ in teh widget logic. Is there a way to target these mag elements in css to “block” or “hide” the element? You can see on the right side of the content on the page that there are 2 different mag elements there.

    thanks for your help!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Munford.


    1.) Great. Let us know if it works.

    2.) I’m not sure if this is going to work but instead of the adding the magazine element, try to generate the magazine shortcode via shortcode wand then add it in a text block. You can then wrap the mag shortcode inside the “members” shortcode.

    Best regards,


    It did work – thanks so much!
    #2 I will try that – good idea!

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Munford.

    Ok after I made the mag elements and wrapped them in members shortcodes the codes work but the layout changed – there is now a space above the title – not sure where that is coming from? can you take a look? Top link below is with the shortcodes and wrong layout, 2nd link is how it should look…

    these are the shortcodes:
    [nonmembers][av_magazine link='portfolio_entries,259,260' items='20' offset='0' tabs='aviaTBtabs' thumbnails='aviaTBthumbnails' heading='' heading_link='manually,http://' heading_color='theme-color' heading_custom_color='#ffffff' first_big_pos='top' custom_class=''][/nonmembers]

    [members][av_magazine link='portfolio_entries,259,312' items='15' offset='0' tabs='aviaTBtabs' thumbnails='aviaTBthumbnails' heading='' heading_link='manually,http://' heading_color='theme-color' heading_custom_color='#ffffff' first_big_pos='top' custom_class=''][/members]

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by Munford.


    I can’t see any space above any title. Where exactly? please highlight using screenshots to make things clear for us.

    Best regards,


    View post on

    this is from the one I did with the shortcodes – link 1 above
    compare to link 2



    not sure what is causing this difference, but use this code to adjust it:

    header.entry-content-header {
    top: -23px;
    .av-magazine-content.entry-content {
    position: relative;
    top: -23px;



    Hi Andy
    thanks that worked but I have to specify that color section as it messes up other mag elements I have on the site. Strange that they display that way.




    yes, you can define a custom css class for each color section, for example “my_custom_class” and then you can use this as css code:

    .my_custom_class {
    position: relative;
    top: -23px;

    Best regards,

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