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  • #359823

    I want to use the magazine element in avia layout builder to create a list of blog posts on my law firm’s home page for things like success stories and news. Some of the blog posts are in this wordpress site and once I set the correct category in each of those posts and in the magazine settings, I can see the list of posts fine. However, I also have an external blog site and I want to list links to posts on that other site using the magazine element. Is this possible?

    From what I have tried so far, it appears that if you make a new post in the site and choose “link” in the settings, you end up with a post page on the site that has the title or text and you still have to click on that to reach the external link. I don’t want to make my viewers click twice – first on the link in the magazine list and then again on the link on my blog post – before they can view the external blog post.
    Is there any way to configure the magazine so that one click on the post listed will take someone directly to the external post?

    I know I could just make a text box with a list of titles and link them but I love the look of the magazine element and would prefer to use it – it looks especially nice with a thumbnail image next to each link.




    I just found this which suggests that a link to an external site is not possible with the magazine element – but I am curious if anyone has figured a workaround –

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by scottlanin.

    Hello Scott,

    It’s possible but it requires custom work, something i did that for that particular user (per request), feel free to email me (avia.josue at if you’re interested.


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