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  • #369472

    Hi, I have the magazine element in use on this page (see private content).

    All links and everything clickable on the site are orange #f15c23.
    So my users will know if it is Orange it can be clicked.

    But the magazine ajax inactive clickable sort text is the default text colour #4d4d4d with the current/active filter text the orange text colour #f15c23.

    How can I change it so that the clickable inactive filter text is orange #f15c23 and the current active text filter is the default text colour for the page #4d4d4d.

    Also the clickable magazine post headings beside the thumbnail Images. I want to make them orange #f15c23 as well.

    I wish to solve the same issue for the Portfolio Ajax text on (page in private content).

    The ajax menu above the business listings has the same issue.

    Also the Text underneath each portfolio image is the reverse to how the user would assume.
    The name of the business is #4d4d4d which is clickable and the description text is orange #f15c23 but not clickable.

    How can I reverse this also.


    • This topic was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by GOWD.

    Hey GOWD!

    Please add following code to Quick CSS, span.inner_sort_button, h3.grid-entry-title.entry-title {
    color: #f15c23 !important;
    a.all_sort_button.active_sort .inner_sort_button, .grid-entry-excerpt.entry-content {
    color: #4d4d4d !important;



    Thanks Yigit, that did the trick.
    You may close this thread.

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