Hello. I just tested upgrading to the new version on my staging server via wordpress update. All of our customizations are ina child theme. Upon refreshing the admin after the update, all settings in the enfold settings menu have been reset. We lost all our logo, color defaults etc.
Anyone else having that issue?
The only other problem we seem to have is we added a small phone icon from the iconfont manually to the top navbar and its not loading anymore…
Hello unclemurray!
That definitely shouldn’t be happening. The theme options are all stored in the WordPress database and tied to the folder name of the currently active theme. So modifying the parent shouldn’t have any effect on the child theme options unless there was something else going on server side.
Best regards,
Ich hatte das selbe Problem durch die automatische Update Funktion über das WordPress Dashboard.
Ich habe das Enfold Update dann noch mal per FTP hochgeladen. Danach war zum Glück alles wieder da.
mit bestem Gruß
Hello Nicole!
Your topic has been addressed here: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/update-2-3-alles-ist-weg/#post-169760