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  • #932049

    Hi Team!
    Long time ago I requested to hide the search icon…I was replied to do this:
    #menu-item-search {
    display: none;

    The point is that now, I need the search icon to appear, in all devices (pc,tablet,mobile,etc…). I have deleted that code, and it still doesn´t appear! Please could you help me with this? In addition, if you are capable of showing it, could you try it to fit well in all views? I mean pc, tablet, mobile , portrait,landscape…etc…

    Thanks in advance!


    Hey davidmartinserrano,

    This needed to be checked
    Image 2018-03-24 at 15.04.27.png

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    #top #menu-item-search {
        width: 50px;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria, thanks for your help,
    It has worked…the only problem is that i have a floating button on the right…And the search icon has taken the css properties of this element…Now, i don´t know how to amend this :) Please can you help? (See snapshot 1)
    Another point, are you sure that this search icon will be shown in mobiles and tablets?



    Hi davidmartinserrano,

    I’m afraid your heavy customizations of the menu are making things difficult. I cannot seem to get the icon to display, but the button works and the search drop-down appears.

    I’ll ask my colleagues to have a look.

    Best regards,


    I took a look and found that your plugin css hero has made heavy customizations, and I’m unsure if the customization can be removed only from this element, it doesn’t look like it. But I was able to change the color of the button and add a search icon as a background with your plugin.
    Please check. You should be able to change the button color with your plugin, should you want to.

    Best regards,

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