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  • #1464226

    Hi. I am working on a copy of the site, in staging, updating the theme lost the footer setup.

    FOOTER RIGHT site online

    in staging it continues to keep the basic settings, as if “my” 3 widgets are not there (as in the online site).

    I checked in parallel, the configurations of widgets and Enfold panel are the same. From the staging site I tried deleting the widgets but it still keeps the basic settings.

    The site in staging is under protection, if you can support me without logging into the backend fine, otherwise I will unblock your accesses. Thank you for your support. Best regards. Bruno


    Hey Bruno,

    Are you overriding header.php or footer.php in a child theme? If so, then please try to replace those files with the parent theme files.

    Best regards,


    No Rikard, I don’t think so: where can I verify that?
    You have the accesses, in case you might need them.


    I checked: in the online site, in the theme editor, the footer.php is the same as in the staging site, in child themes, it is the same.



    Your site is htaccess protected, please share those login details with us as well.

    Best regards,


    I am sorry Rikard. Tell me if you now have everything to proceed. Thank you Rykard


    Hi Rikard, do you have any news?


    Thanks for the login, when I check your staging site child theme footer it is only 172 lines, but the parent theme is 342 lines.
    The header is also not the same, this will cause errors in your theme. We do not recommend adding these files to your child theme, it is the most common reason for errors when updating. Please remove these files and any customizations you wish to make should be done in your child theme functions.php

    Best regards,


    Forgive me Rikard I am not expert and I didn’t understand dosa do: how do I activate the widgets to the foot? Let me explain: the staging site is the copy of the online site and in the online site the foot is customized with widgets. I am working in staging because previously, by upgrading the Enfold version, the site lost the customization to the foot and other customizations.

    I don’t understand what I have to do to be able to customize the foot in the site in staging, using the widgets: now the foot is like I don’t see the widgets, but it stays with the default settings is this happened after I upgraded the purchased version of Enfold.
    What should I delete or what should I do to use the Enfold foot normally and customize it with the widgets?

    I didn’t change anything between the online site and staging, just the textual content and media, nothing about php. I rewrite, the problem arose with the theme version update and I will have to put online soon, I have to fix it but I didn’t understand your suggestions. Bear with me, thank you. Please let me know how to solve, in as much detail as possible please. Thank you Rikard


    Sorry Mike, I was anxiously waiting for the reply re Rikard, I realized afterwards it was you who answered, forgive me, I am in panic *__*


    I believe that you misunderstand, your child theme header.php & footer.php must be the same as the new updated theme, not the same as your old site that is not updated.
    So when you update you must also update your child theme header.php & footer.php
    Thus we do not recommend adding these files to your child theme, it is the most common reason for errors when updating. Please remove these files and any customizations you wish to make should be done in your child theme functions.php, or update the files each time you update.

    Best regards,


    Should I “clean up” functions.php of the child theme? Leave it empty? Forgive me… I don’t understand what to do to solve :(


    Is there a tutorial to follow?


    Do I need to update or modify or do something in this?

    Is there a tutorial? I am not an expert. I presume this is to be done with every theme update, correct? I am not an expert, is there a tutorial?


    I recommend removing the two files (header.php & footer.php) from your updated staging site child theme folder, you can save them to your computer if you want to have a backup.
    Please leave the other files, then check that this solves your problem.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Mike for your patient support :)

    To be clear: I search the server, in the staging site tree, for the child theme folder with the files
    header.php & footer.php

    before I delete them from the server, I save them locally (just in case).

    Can I do this directly from the backend or is it better to do it on the server with FTP?


    on the server with FTP, glad we could help.

    Best regards,


    Hi. I created a copy of the staging

    and “deleted” the 2 files


    But as you will see, the site loses images and more. Unfortunately, I think I haven’t figured out how to fix it.
    On the occasion I saw copies of functions.php maybe the solution is there?
    I am getting more and more confused *__*


    I looked at the functions.php file and there remains a language that I do not understand.

    The problem was created by regularly updating the theme: I think I did it correctly, but evidently I did not. I am not a php expert and I don’t understand why updating Enfold happens this. I will move the presentation a few days, I need to fix it and at the moment I have no idea how to do it.

    Footer corrected

    but Enfold needs to be updated

    Footer “stuck” in first staging site
    Can’t restore present and correctly assigned widgets
    Enfold updated (the problem arose with the update)

    Footer and images gone in second staging site
    I deleted footer.php and hader.php in child theme

    I ask you to support me until the solution, please help me.
    Thank you. Best regards. Bruno


    In the second staging site the correct footer appeared : D

    Where I deleted footer.php and hader.php in child theme


    however you can’t see the images, they disappeared: could it depend on cookye management? I think it is “external”… Or could it depend on something else? From having also deleted header.php?


    Please check the footer of this staging site >

    Best regards,


    I was writing to you because the problem was solved but only apparently because it was not solved BUT YOU SOLVED IT!!! THANK YOU MIKE sincerely thank you :))


    and forgive me, bear with me: next theme update the problem will occur again, isn’t there a tutorial to follow?
    To understand what you have done. Thanks Mike


    I still believe that you should delete / remove your child theme header.php & footer.php so you don’t have to do this anymore.
    The only files in your child theme should be:

    and maybe redirectroot.php since I don’t know why you add that custom file.

    save the other files to your desktop as backup.

    Best regards,


    Many thanks Mike. Thank you for your cordial “insistence”: delete footer and header .php from the child theme, WITHOUT THREATS :D
    Again thanks also for your patience and kind support. My best regards. Bruno


    Glad we were able to help, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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