Tagged: content slider, Logo Partner Element, partner logo
September 7, 2013 at 8:25 pm #29221
Hi Guys,
Regarding the new updates, I am running the latest WP and have updated all Enfold theme files, but I am not seeing the logo partner element or the content slider anywhere.
Apologies if I am being a muppet, I thought they would be under the layout or content elements when building a new page?.
September 8, 2013 at 9:33 am #140072When you edit your page, you will find Partner/Logo element under Media Elements and Content slider under Content Elements.
September 8, 2013 at 9:37 am #140073Actually the “Content Slider” is a “content element” and the “logo/partner slider” a media element. Try to re-upload all theme files and clear your caches (browser, server, etc. caches).
September 10, 2013 at 1:28 am #140074Hey Dude,
I have updated the theme manually and again, twice via the theme update via the dashboard and I am still not seeing the content slider or the partner / logo element. Can I replace any files via FTP to bring about the above additions?.
Can you tell me what the content slider actually does?, just add a section from your page as a slider?
September 10, 2013 at 1:32 am #140075Hi,
Please try it on a different browser. Remove browser cache then reload the page a few times. Are you sure you got the latest version of Enfold?
September 10, 2013 at 5:39 am #140076Hi Ismael,
I am running WP 3.6 and Enfold 2.1
I deleted cache and history, tried to access my site in Chrome, Safari and FF, still cannot see the above, new files…
Is there any way I can update the Avia Builder manually via FTP?.
I reloaded the page several times but no change….saved the page several times and updated, no change.
September 10, 2013 at 7:00 am #140077Hi,
Please check config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes folder. Do you see the logoslider.php and the contentslider.php files?
September 10, 2013 at 11:15 pm #140078Hey Ismael,
They were missing, yet the update said complete, odd?, no matter. I simply added the php files from the update – downloads, seems to be working now, thankyou sir.
September 10, 2013 at 11:57 pm #140079Hey Ismael,
Logo / partner is working fine. Could you tell me the CSS to get rid of the one pixel outline?.
If I do not select the previous and next arrows to show, is there any way to reduce this 21 px space – where the arrows would be?:
<div class=”avia-smallarrow-slider-heading”><div class=”new-special-heading”> </div><div class=”avia-slideshow-arrows avia-slideshow-controls”>PreviousNext</div></div>
Just for feedback, I don’t understand the purpose / difference of the content slider, compared to the other sliders in the theme, would be cool to see an example on the theme on Themeforest.
Thankyou for all your help.
September 11, 2013 at 5:19 am #140080The difference is that the image sliders and the post sliders do not support custom content. The image slider can just display images with captions, the post slider can display posts. The content slider allows you to slide any text or content (including shortcodes) – many users requested this feature and thus we decided to implement it.
2) No, you can’t hide the space by default. If you want to hide it open up wp-contentthemesenfoldconfig-templatebuilderavia-shortcodescontentslider.php and replace
$output .= "<div class='avia-smallarrow-slider-heading'>";
$output .= "<div class='new-special-heading'>".$heading."</div>";with
$heading_class = '';
if($navigation == 'no') $heading_class .= ' no-content-slider-navigation ';
if($heading == ' ') $heading_class .= ' no-content-slider-heading ';
$output .= "<div class='avia-smallarrow-slider-heading $heading_class'>";
$output .= "<div class='new-special-heading'>".$heading."</div>";The use following css code to hide the space if no title & control buttons are set
display: none;
}September 11, 2013 at 10:09 pm #140081Hi Dude,
I tried to edit the contentslider.php, but I could not get it to work, I then tried the quick CSS, but couldn’t get that to work either. There is still <div new-special-heading space>
I also tried hacking together some CSS to get rid of the avia logo element box shadow, but without success.
Thankyou for the feedback about the content slider.
If you have any other ideas, I would be grateful.
I left the logo element in the site under the main slider for reference: http://www.naturaloutlook.com
Thanks Dude
September 13, 2013 at 8:33 am #140082I though you want to remove the padding from the content slider but now I noticed you want to remove it from the logo slider. Open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/logoslider.php and replace
$output .= "<div class='avia-smallarrow-slider-heading'>"
$heading_class = '';
if($navigation == 'no') $heading_class .= ' no-logo-slider-navigation ';
if($heading == ' ') $heading_class .= ' no-logo-slider-heading ';
$output .= "<div class='avia-smallarrow-slider-heading $heading_class'>";and insert following code into the quick css field
display: none;
}September 13, 2013 at 4:11 pm #140083Apologies for not being clearer Dude. Thankyou for the feedback.
1). My issue is getting rid of the div class=’new-special-heading'</div> space above the logo section.
2). Can you tell me how to get rid of the 2px shadow-box on the avia-logo-element ctr
September 13, 2013 at 11:41 pm #140084Hey,
1.) You can add this on your custom.css or Quick CSS:
.avia-logo-element-container.avia-logo-slider.avia-content-slider.avia-smallarrow-slider.avia-content-slider-active.avia-content-slider1.avia-content-slider-odd.avia-builder-el-2.avia-builder-el-no-sibling .new-special-heading {
display: none !important;
}2.) To remove the border or box shadow, use this:
#top .avia-logo-element-container img {
box-shadow: none;
September 14, 2013 at 1:38 am #140085Excellent, thanks Ismael, you guys are so smart!.
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