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  • #880238

    I have been unable to find within the theme settings a form that can add inside the Burger menu my Logo, the social icons and a call to action like Email subscription.

    how or what do I have to do?

    Thank you so much!


    Hey gianmarcojb,

    There’s no theme setting for that. We will try to help you with that, can you give us ftp access? just post the details in Private Content.

    Best regards,


    Great theme
    please help me to find burger menu file inside theme folder
    i need to append extra elements

    Thank you



    The burger menu container is created dynamically using javascript. You can find the script in the js > avia.js file, look for the “avia_hamburger_menu” function. What do you want to add inside? Please provide a screenshot or mock up of the layout that you want to create. Maybe we’ll be able to help you with it.

    Best regards,

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