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  • #657826

    Is it possible to specify shortcode for the logo? I have shortcode for an animated 3d cube and would like it to be displayed as the logo image. I am currently using the left sidebar for the logo and menu area instead of having the header at the top.


    • This topic was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by norcalnathan.

    Hey norcalnathan!

    Enfold does support

    change of a logo with a filter hook.
    You can go ahead and edit and create a shortcode of that, based on what you do need.

    Let us know if we can do anything else for you



    Hi Basillaa,

    So the short ode would look like

    url$ = [myshortcode here];






    Please add this in the functions.php file:

    add_shortcode('avs_avia_logo', 'callback_avia_logo');
    function callback_avia_logo() {
    	$logo = avia_get_option('logo');
    	$logo = !empty( $logo ) ? $logo : AVIA_BASE_URL.'images/layout/logo.png';
    	return  avia_logo($logo, '', 'strong', true);

    You can now use the “[avs_avia_logo]” shortcode.

    Best regards,

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