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  • #752119

    I would like to have my logo in the center of the menu navigation
    menu | menu | logo | menu | menu |

    How do I achieve this?
    And will the menu height automatically adjust to my logo height?
    Also will the menu height shrink when you scroll ?



    Hey Dave,

    Could you post a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Can you post this solution?



    : Set the Header > Menu and Logo Position settings to “Logo center, Menu below’. Add a right margin to the menu item beside the logo and move the menu container upwards with the following css code.

    #menu-item-77 {
        margin-right: 100px;
    #header_main_alternate {
        z-index: 2;
        top: -60px;
        border: none;

    Adjust the “#menu-item-77” selector to the id of the menu item located at the left side of the logo.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael
    Thanks however it didn’t work
    I change the menu setting to logo centre, menu below &
    I just pasted the code into style.css on child theme.

    Is there anything else?

    It is on my local host so I can’t show you, however the menu sticks to centre above the menu, same as before!

    Any thoughts anyone



    Did you change the menu item id? I’m sorry but we can’t help you further if we can’t inspect the site. Please update us once the site is live.



    Hi Ismael
    Have I done it right?
    I found the menu item ID by right clicking the page, view source & found the menu list.
    I changed the Menu item ID of the menu item that I want to the right of the logo & it didn’t make a difference.

    #menu-item-956 {
    margin-right: 100px;

    #header_main_alternate {
    z-index: 2;
    top: -60px;
    border: none;

    This is on my local host so only way to show you is to organise a time & log in with Team Viewer.



    I’m sorry but we don’t do “team viewer”. Please upload the page to a staging site so that we can inspect it.

    Adjust the “#menu-item-77” selector to the id of the menu item located at the left side of the logo.

    Best regards,

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