October 16, 2017 at 1:45 pm #864799
Hi, I’ve designed my logo as SVG file but I cant figure out how to upload into Enfold as it says its not allowed. Do I need coding to allow it or a plugin?
October 17, 2017 at 5:15 am #865096Hey ellenyoung,
Maybe this will help you out? https://css-tricks.com/snippets/wordpress/allow-svg-through-wordpress-media-uploader/
Best regards,
RikardOctober 19, 2017 at 10:34 am #866139Is there a specific plug in you would recommend?
October 19, 2017 at 6:22 pm #866382Hi,
You need to use this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/svg-support/ to upload the logo as SVG. After it, at Enfold Theme Options, upload the SVG that you want.
Best regards,
Jordan ShannonNovember 4, 2017 at 1:16 pm #872491Slowly getting there. The plugin suggested said it wasn’t compatible so I’ve used another which has worked. However, my logo had text underneath (Vintage Tableware Hire Service) which it wont upload as SVG. I’ve uploaded the logo (which it will allow) and now need to add the text under the logo in the header. I’ve come across this but I have no idea where to add the code? https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/adding-a-widget-area-to-the-header/
It says PHP files but there are loads of them in the editor. Could you please tell me where this needs to be pasted so I can set up the text widget?November 4, 2017 at 7:23 pm #8725851) what do you think is the advantage of an extra text under it (without implementing it on your svg)?
– do you like to hide it after scrolling ?2) i would not do it via widget area – enfold got this nice snippet for functions.php of child-theme :
add_filter('avf_logo_subtext', 'kriesi_logo_addition'); function kriesi_logo_addition($sub) { $sub .= "<span class='logo-title'>My Text</span>"; return $sub; }
by the way the text is there – but may be not visible – it has to be styled/positioned by css.
And because you like to have it under your logo it will be good to have a free space theredo you have a shrinking header ? than a text under logo could be a bit sophisticated css
___________________and: on all of my installations the svg-support plugin works perfect – espacially if i want to replace the img src through the svg-code itself
November 4, 2017 at 8:15 pm #872591Its starting to sound very confusing! My logo design is SVG and included the text but including the text it wont upload into Enfold – it comes up saying it cant be cleansed.
November 4, 2017 at 8:43 pm #872596Text is per definition a path so more like svg than to img (png or jpg)
so i guess that you have done something wrong on creating that svg.just do following: drag and drop your svg into the browser itself – and have a look what the browser do.
if you see all of your logo (including the text in it) we have to look what is theTry to do this : if the text changes to a different font – or is not uploadable – go to your Graphic Editor and transform the text to path !
1) this is with text as font – because the browser has not the font it changes to whatever he likes:
https://webers-testseite.de/wp-content/uploads/Logo_with_Text.svg2) this is svg with text converted to path : https://webers-testseite.de/wp-content/uploads/Logo_with_PathText.svg
you see – that because of path the font isn’t one at all – and browser must do what you like to see
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
November 4, 2017 at 9:00 pm #872601if you take a look to the svg with text : you can open a svg with a good text-editor
on windows: notepad ++
on mac : sublime textyou will see this :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <svg version="1.1" id="Ebene_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 415 500.4" style="enable-background:new 0 0 415 500.4;" xml:space="preserve"> <style type="text/css"> .st0{fill:#A5CD39;} .st1{fill:#FAA21D;} .st2{fill:#4D4D4D;} .st3{fill:#0AB8BB;} .st4{fill:none;} .st5{font-family:'Kaufmann';} .st6{font-size:88px;} </style> <g> <path class="st0" d="M18.8,199.4c0,74.3,43.4,138.5,106.3,168.5L30.7,133.6C23,154.1,18.8,176.2,18.8,199.4z"/> <path class="st1" d="M97.4,109.4c0,0-13,1-22.8,1.6L156,321.1l42-107.9L157,111c-8.8-0.5-21.3-1.6-21.3-1.6c-8.8-0.5-7.8-14,1-13.5 c0,0,31.1,2.1,47.2,2.1c17.1,0,47.7-2.1,47.7-2.1c8.8-0.5,9.9,12.5,1,13.5c0,0-13,1-22.8,1.6l81.5,210.2l34.8-88.7 c8.3-21.3,12.5-38.9,12.5-52.9c0-20.2-7.3-34.2-13.5-45.1c-8.3-13.5-16.1-24.9-16.1-38.4c0-15,11.4-29.1,27.5-29.1 c0.1,0,0.1,0,0.2,0C303,33.4,256.6,12.7,205.4,12.7C139.7,12.7,82,46.7,48.7,98c17.2,0,47.6-2.1,47.6-2.1 C105.1,95.4,106.2,108.4,97.4,109.4z"/> <path class="st2" d="M206.3,232.9l-54.5,139.6c-0.8,1.9-1.9,3.4-3.1,4.7c17.9,5.7,36.9,8.8,56.7,8.8c20.7,0,40.7-3.4,59.3-9.7 c-0.9-1.1-1.7-2.4-2.3-3.8L206.3,232.9z"/> <path class="st3" d="M392,199.4c0-29.8-7-58-19.5-83c0.2,3.1,0.4,6.3,0.4,9.6c0,16.6-3.1,35.3-12.5,58.6l-70.5,181.1 C350.5,334.9,392,272,392,199.4z"/> </g> <rect x="50.2" y="400.1" class="st4" width="312.8" height="93.9"/> <text transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 50.1779 463.2396)" class="st5 st6">Logo Text</text> </svg>
on that style element you see the colors and the font i used – if Kaufmann is not activated on the wordpress installation every browser has its own fallback for fonts
This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by
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