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  • #238058

    I updated to your latest version, and i like the new options about placement of the logo.

    BUT.. when i use “put in the middle” or put the menu UNDER the logo left or right, it doesn’t look good.

    there must be a bug of a kind?

    I have a screen dump of it..


    Hi Jane!

    It’s not happening on our end. Please post the link to the actual website. Did you add any css modifications for the header before? Please remove them.



    No – i just installed it on another page for testing it.. and it does it from the beginning without me doing anything?


    I just tried one more time.. installed it and as the FIRST thing before i did anything else.. i tried to do the menu.. but it looks like above.. its not working visual as you showed it would… So there must be a bug somewhere?


    I tried to install an “example page” on this page.. just to do it from beginning before i do anything:

    You can see.. same problems with strange borders… And i did nothing.. this is just an example page…



    I have just checked your website and it does look fine on my end. Please see screenshot here –
    Which browser are you using?


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