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  • #974978

    I have several pages in WordPress marked with “Exclude this page from local search.” When I search for those pages, they show up in the search dropdown. However, they don’t show up on the search results page. I need the pages to be excluded on the local search dropdown, too. Can you tell me where to configure this in the Enfold theme? Or is this a bug?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by onspring.

    Hey onspring,

    Unfortunately yes, that is something based on the queries which is not working on our Search Engine.
    We will do report that to our developers so they can look into that more.

    Best regards,


    Is there a way we could disable the local search dropdown entirely? Could you provide a code snippet to achieve that?



    Yes, you can disable the ajax search completely. Just add this filter in the functions.php file.

    add_action('avf_frontend_search_form_param', 'av_disable_ajax_search',9);
    function av_disable_ajax_search($params)
    	$params['ajax_disable'] = true;
    	return $params;

    Best regards,

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