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  • #1441011

    Hello :)

    There is a short animation video on my start page, and every time when video comes to the end there is loading circle (believe it’s called a throbber) for a second or two before the video starts again. I don’t know if this is a right address to ask about it, because I don’t know how much it has to do with your theme, but maybe you have any idea how to avoid this loading circle showing?

    I have set Self Hosted Videos And Audio Features (WP-Mediaelement Scripts) to Always load media features (= WP default behaviour), don’t use lazy loading, and have worked on performance optimization.



    Hey Simijonovic,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    It might be the loader or buffer icon. You should be able to completely hide it with this css code:

    .mejs-overlay-loading {
        display: none !important;

    Best regards,

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