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  • #1121417

    Hi there,

    I have a page with 3 videos. the videos are mp4 720p and about 16MB, 32,MB and 24MB in size. I added them with the enfold video element and set the lazy load to off so it should wait for user action to load the video.
    But if I click on the page link it takes about 20 seconds or more until the page shows up, all other pages are loading MUCH faster.
    What can I do?
    The link is in private content.

    Can you help me out?


    Hey Maaster,

    I have checked your site and when inspecting your site the 3 mp4 files aren’t loaded.
    Try using a caching plugin it should help make your page faster.

    Best regards,


    Hi enfold team, i am having the same problem.
    in my website, when you click a page with a self-hosted video, the loading speed is much slower, it takes 6-7 seconds.
    and if you click a page without a self-hosted video, the loading speed is faster, only 2 seconds.
    already set all video lazy load, and use a cache plugins, but the problem is still the same.

    please help. thank you

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by gabbit.


    Thank you for chiming in.

    Try to set the video’s Advanced > Privacy Settings > Lazy Load videos to the second option (Wait for user interaction to load the video), so the video will only load once the user click it. That should help to optimize the loading speed of the page.

    Best regards,


    yes, all video’s already set Advanced > Privacy Settings > Lazy Load videos to the second option (Wait for user interaction to load the video), still the same, loading is slow.
    it looks like the loading speed is slow is because the page need to load the code for the video, not to load the videos.


    it looks like the lazy load is not working on mobile device.


    it seems that the page with a video must load some code before browser redirect the page to the page with a video.which cause the loading speed slow



    Thank you for the info.

    The video is starting automatically on page load. Are you sure that the lazy load option is enabled? Please create a new thread and post the login details in the private field. We would like to check the settings.

    Best regards,

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