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  • #569324

    Hi there,

    I’ve set up a nice new homepage, which seems to run perfekt on all windows/android systems as well as on linux.
    But on some Apple products pictures are not loading, or take like forever and only some appear, as well as the slider is not shown.
    Additionally, animations do not work properly.
    (1) Apple iMac – Snow Leopard, Safari causes the problem, mozilla as well as Google Chrome run perfect
    (2) Apple iPhone 4 – iOS 7.1.2 – Safari also causes the problem

    I wonder why the problem is only occurring with this webside and not with any other webside using Enfold, e.g. the kriesi demopages of enfold, or other websites from friends using enfold (but maybe older versions of the theme).

    Is it possible it has to do with the server? Or is it a compatibility problem caused by older versions of iOS and OS-X or the Webbrowsers?

    It would be great to get some ideas, what could cause the problem and how to fix it.
    The website uses the newest version of WordPress and has no Plugins installed so far.

    Thanx a lot in advance :)

    PS: Newest tests i.e. on iPhone 6S showed the same problems loading the page.
    PSS: The blog entry is shown correctly including the picture

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by e-crocodile.

    Hi e-crocodile!

    I checked your website on Mac+Safari and it looks totally fine to me. Can’t see any issue and it looks like on chrome to me. Can you highlight using screenshots please? (, dropbox) so we can get a clear idea of what it’s about.



    Hi Andy,

    thanx a lot for your reply :)

    I read a lot through the support forum in the meantime on all issues about safari causing problems with enfold.
    There I found the idea, that it might be ‘ü’ or ‘ö’ or ‘ä’ in the files’ names, that might lead to problems with Safari. So I started to rename all the pictures named that way. The ‘ö’ became ‘oe’ and so on, as well as ‘ß’ became ‘ss’.
    Now it seems to work – also on older Safari versions and older smartphones like iPhone 4 wich cannot be updated to the newest levels as they are used by iPhone 6 S.

    If there is still something, I’d be thankful to come back to U.

    Thanx a lot so far and cheers!



    I checked the site on an older version of safari, windows 7, and the images are loading so I guessed you finished renaming the images. I searched the web for any related issues but I don’t find anything about umlaut related image issue except the following thread about umlaut rendering issue on safari. Maybe, it also affects image rendering too:




    I also encountered similar problems, but when I set the server’s “mod_pagespeed” function to “OFF”, it was displayed normally.
    Is not this article involved?




    : Yes, that must be the issue. Thanks for sharing! :)

    Best regards,

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