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  • #1267955

    Hello after the last update… I think the page is not loading correctly.


    Website added also login details updated.



    Thanks for the login details. I see that Enfold is not active on the site, are we allowed to activate it for debugging reasons? Please note that the what you posted above are warnings, and should not affect any functionality.

    If this happened when the child was active, then please try activating the parent theme to see if you are still getting the warnings then. If not then the likely cause of them are coming from your child theme.

    Also please try to fix the problems listed on the page in private.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    I activated the parent theme and the issue still is present.
    Yes please feel free to activate Enfold child or Parent to debug.


    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for that. I activated the parent, then the child, but I can’t see any warnings on the back or front end. Could you check on your end as well please?

    Best regards,


    Hello Rikard,
    Everything looks good now.
    Is it normal for errors like that to fix themselves?
    I would have liked to know what caused the issue, and how it was fixed. So that I can trouble shoot it on my own and fix it in the future, if needed.



    Hi Keith,

    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure why that happened to be honest with you, but I couldn’t see any warnings at all on my end when activating the parent or the child. It might have been something temporary, but I don’t have a good explanation for you unfortunately.

    Best regards,

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