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  • #786256


    I want to load a mailchimp layout: http://mailchi.mp/d10037d61ea4/stripkever-nieuwsbrief-april
    into my enfold theme, unde a “tab section”…

    I tried to add an “iframe” into a textfield, but that just shows a small box…

    Can i fully load this layout into it?



    Hey Alex,

    I am not sure if i understood you clearly. Would you like to insert ALB element into another ALB element? If so, You can enable debugging mode to see shortcodes you have created in pages using Advanced Layout Builder – http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/enable-advanced-layout-builder-debug/

    Or, You can switch to Default Editor and click on Magic Wand to see full list of shortcodes http://i.imgur.com/n4KXkdm.jpg
    then you can create any of them and copy/paste shortcode into any other content element or into text widget.

    If that is not what you meant, please elaborate :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    I think my question was not very clear :)

    I would just like to load the layout of this page: http://mailchi.mp/d10037d61ea4/stripkever-nieuwsbrief-april
    (a mailchimp campaign) into my homepage and I use the pre build tab section tool, and tab 1 is called “news”, en would like to load this mailchimp campaign into that tab…if possible…


    Hi mandarijn,

    Even if this was possible, currently our tab section does not really handle well long and short elements mixed in it, it might leave a lot of white space on your front page if content of another tab is short. This will be fixed in an upcoming Enfold release, but it’s not there yet. This is a lot of content for a front page anyway, but if you really want to do this, you can try to do it as Yigit suggested by copying the shortcodes and inserting them in text mode in the tab section content box.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,

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