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  • #972290

    What is the best LMS plugin which is compatible with enfold , i checked most of ticket related to LMS issues with enfold which discussed from 2013 up today and it seems that no clear solution
    so please advice which one is have less interface issues with enfold


    Hey Ghallab,

    You can try
    If you there’s any issues you can refer to this thread:

    Best regards,


    Dear Nikko
    What about Learndash ?


    Hi Ghallab,

    I tested learndash quickly and it works fine.
    As for ALB elements, you can still use it using magic wand tool.
    Just use Default Editor and you shouldn’t have any issues, as far as I tested.
    And there’s no js errors or visible php errors.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko
    Thanks for your confirmation
    Whaich one is more compatible with enfold
    Learndash or wp courseware ?


    Hi Ghallab,

    I don’t have WP Courseware plugin to test however after checking the forum I don’t see any major issues (like errors or functions not working) on the plugin with regards to compatability with Enfold.
    I think both are the same in terms of compatability and both should work fine if you use it’s default editor though Advanced Layout Builder shouldn’t be used but you can still use the elements by using the shortcode/magic wand tool.

    Best regards,

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