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  • #845916
    Lars Patzwald

    Hallo liebes Kriesi Team,

    wir betreiben insgesamt 8 Seiten mit Eurem Enfold Theme bei einem kleinen Hoster. Dieser hat im Zuge der Einrichtung des Webspaces die jeweilige Lizenz bei Envato gekauft und uns dann in Rechnung gestellt. Jetzt wollen wir den Hoster wechseln und unser jetziger Hoster meint, dass er uns die Lizenzcodes nicht aushändigen darf. Er meinte, dass er bei Euch angefragt hätte und Ihr ihm die Weitergabe als Urheber verboten hättet.

    Entspricht dies der Wahrheit? Darf ein gekaufter Enfoldlizenz nicht weitergegeben werden?
    Bevor wir rechtliche Schritte einleiten, würden wir gerne eine Stellungnahme dazu von Euch haben.

    Viele Grüße
    Lars Patzwald


    Hi Lars,

    I am afraid the only way to get full support and theme updates is by having access to a Themeforest account which was used to purchase the theme.

    The easiest way would be to get in touch with your developer and ask him for the purchase code and an API key. That would allow you to create a forum account here (one that got access to more than the pre-sale question area) and would also allow you to update the theme from your backend.

    If you cant get in touch with your developer for whatever reason, you can also try to contact Envato support and ask them if its possible for them to credit the purchase to a Themeforest account of your own:
    However this will probably only work if your developer already sent you a payment receipt or something similar for the purchase.

    Last option would be to create a themeforest account of your own and use it to re-purchase the theme.

    I hope one of the first two options works out for you, but unfortunately we can’t help until we have a valid verification that the theme was purchased properly. This is necessary for us, since there are quite a few people out there who don’t buy the theme on themeforest and instead download it for free on illegal file sharing sites and then even have the audacity to ask us for support.

    Sorry for that!

    Best regards,

    P.S.: If you would like to receive replies in German, please let us know so our German speaking moderators can reply :)

    Lars Patzwald

    Thanks for your reply and your suggestions. I understand your problem with illeagal copys. Meanwhile we bought one another Enfold with our own Envato Account for another project. So i have no problems with updates. Please understand that i do not rebuy 8 licences which i allready paid for.

    Let me be more specific.

    Do you disallow that someone resell an enfold theme licence? Yes or No?

    Do you disallow that the licence code (API Key) is given to the buyer of the licence? Yes or No?

    Just to be clear. Our developer said: “I cant give you the api key’s, because Kriesi said that this is not allowed”.
    I only want to know if this is right or not.



    Hi Lars,

    1. If it’s just a basic theme bought from Themeforest then we would not agree to it being sold on for any other sum than what the person who bought it for actually paid. The only place our theme is sold is on Themeforest, they are the only ones allowed to sell our themes. Though if the developer has done customisations or other work on the theme then he or she should be compensated for that of course.

    2. No, absolutely not. If the developer was hired to create a website for you and you have paid for the theme, then the license is yours. Unless the developer has made clear to you that he or she will be the owner of the license before the work has begun.

    Best regards,

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