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  • #175548


    I’m using your great sorting accordion here :

    Because there is many toggles will it be possible to not open with the “all” tab but with one of the other tab ? So it will only display 3 or 4 toggles and not take so much place on the page…

    Thanks very much for your help.


    Hello ganjou!

    You want to remove the “All” (Tous) tab?



    Yes, that’s it !



    Open up /wp-content/themes/enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/toggles.php and delete following line

                $tag_string = "{".__('All','avia_framework' )."} ";

    Best regards,


    I would like “All” tab to not display but I would like to have only the toogles of the first tab and not all the toggles registred…
    Thank you for yout time and help


    Actually removing the above line doesn’t produce any effect…



    I’m a bit lost on what you want to do. Dude instructed to remove a line of code so that the “All” sort text will be remove. It should work. Can you please post a screenshot of what you’re trying to do?



    Hi, Thanks for your help Ismael.

    Here is a screenshot :

    By default accordion displays all the toggles under the “all” (tous) tab.

    I would like to display by default the second tab, just after “tous” (all) tab. If all toggles display it takes a long place on the page… If it displays by default one of the other specific tab it will only display the three or four toggles contained in that tab, taking less space on the page.

    So I woul like :

    – Tab “all” not being dispayed
    – All toggles contained in the accordion not being displayed by default

    I tried to remove the line mentionned but it had no effect, neither concerning the “all” tab nor the fact of displaying all toggles by default.

    Thanks again for your help.



    This is not possible – I’m sorry. Our accordion doesn’t support a “pre-selected” option and will always load all items.



    Maybe to be added in a future update ?
    Thanks for help



    You can suggest it in the feature requests thread. Afaik only 1 user requested this in the past and I’m not sure if this feature is really useful for the majority of our users but we monitor the feature request thread and if more user request it we’ll look into it.


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