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  • #1194615

    Good evening folks,

    one new and hopefully easy question. :)

    I’ve noticed that in some of my customer-sites the “links“ work/show
    correctly and in some they work/show different. I don’t know how I
    can describe it better. Please, take a look at the two screenshots and then
    you’ll understand it better. Link_1.jpg shows one of the normal situation:
    normal maincolour and after you put the cursor over the link, the hover-
    colour and the underline shows up. Link_2.jpg shows a different situation:
    the link is already underlined in normal state and if you put the cursor
    over the link no hover-colour shows up and the underline are still there.
    Ok, both versions are working, but it looks like that version 2 has not the
    correct functionality, hasn’t it?

    I linked the words normally, in both cases! But on some sites it looks like
    screenshot 1 and on some others like screenshot 2. So, can you tell me
    what the differences is and how I can handle it? Because I think that Link 1
    is the correct version, I would like to know how I always get this version right.

    I hope that my words were understandable and you know what I want to know. ;-)

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,
    Sorry for the late reply, I believe that the difference is due to the custom css used for the demo that was used as the base. Neither is really wrong, as some people link to have the links have the underline all of the time to make the links stand out.
    If you would like them to all be the same then we will need to see the links live to determine which class is triggering which style so we can adjust.

    Best regards,


    Bon Sunday Mike,

    thx and no probem! :) Aaah…I see…right, sometimes I use a demo-layout,
    but normaly I start with a pure enfold-page. ;)

    Ok, than we can look at my current project…you know it already! ;) Look
    in the private content and you’ll see. :)

    Best regards


    Very good, so how do you want the links to look “on-hover” and not “on-hover”?

    Best regards,


    Hi again Mike,

    thx for your fast reply and that on sunday…great! :)
    Please, look on the screenshots and you’ll see.

    Best regards


    Hi Carsten,

    Thanks for the screenshots. Please try this in Quick CSS:

    #top .av_inherit_color a {
        text-decoration: none;
    #top .av_inherit_color a:hover {
        text-decoration: underline;
        color: white;

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    thx for your reply and the code-snippets!
    Perfect – that works like I want to! :) Ok, now
    I know the way for the future…thx again.

    Best regards

    PS: And of course thx to Mike either!



    Did you need additional help with this topic or shall we close?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Hi Jordan,

    no, I think you can close it…thx!

    Best regards



    If you need help with anything else, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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