I have purchased a newsletter to be used in my site, but i am unable to integrate that with contact form. I wished touse the checkbox that is available in the contact form to be checked by default and that enables news letter subscription.Is there a way i could solve this.
Where can i find the code for data processed in the contactform.
Thanks in advance.
Is this a plugin? I’m sorry but you need to hire a freelance developer to sync the plugin to the contact form.
yes its a plugin, i am a beginner developer and new to wp. Where can i find the code for data processed in the contact form.
Hi judetsai,
The contact form data isn’t available to be parsed or manipulated. Its just form data that gets emailed on submission using the wp_mail/php mail function.
You could style your plugin’s form by inspecting the form field css and then copying it over but actual data collection is a planned feature for a future update.
You mean that the code for the contact form i created doesn’t exist?i mean the data processing part. So the only way is to modify the plugin css to match the enfold theme right.But it is a newsletter plugin and i guess that cannot be converted as to a contact form.Any other easy option please?
I mean that it doesn’t have the potential to accept hidden fields which most third party newsletter programs use.
So you would need to use something else which is capable of accepting and then storing the data given to it and styling it to look like the theme as you said.
Its a form that emails the data it accepts. If you wanted to make it do something else you would need to modify its code.
OK thanks