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  • #415260

    I’m trying to figure out why LinkedIn is so difficult over displaying the meta description when you attempt to share a page on your website.
    I’ve installed and set up Yoast SEO and configured the various Open Graph meta data options, but it still doesn’t display the meta description – I think the image is finally working now, so I’m not sure why the description isn’t.
    I’ve edited the information on specific pages too, but it doesn’t appear to make a difference.
    Has anyone encountered this problem before and found a solution?


    Hey theitguide!

    Lots of people seem to be having trouble with this. Not really sure what it could be. From their documentation it says your supposed to set the open graph meta tags and they should be picked up automatically,, but perhaps they are having issues.

    I checked your site and you had the og:description meta tag set correctly. I would try contacting them to see what they say. If your using caching plugins then be sure to clear their cache.


    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by Elliott.
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