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  • #578022

    I would like to link some text to a page section.
    I know how to link some text to a page, but I can’t find how to link to a specific section in the page.

    For example, I want to link the name JEAN-FRANÇOIS LEBLANC on that page :
    to the JEAN-FRANÇOIS LEBLANC section on that page :

    Can you help me?

    Thank you!

    Andrée-Anne Roussel


    Hey Andrée-Anne!

    Linking to a certain area, requires to assign that area with a selector and then use an #anchor point.
    Can u give us backend access to make a demo example for you?



    Yes, here it is (in the private content section).
    Thank you very much.



    We are working on your ticket please wait we will update the results here soon.

    Please check the link in private

    To create a page with scrolling sections

    Add some color sections from Advance Layout Builder > Layout Elements
    Add unique #ID to each section as shown below

    To link these sections to menu create a menu from appearance > menu > Add new menu

    Link each menu to #ID of the section

    Best regards,
    Vinay Kashyap

    • This reply was modified 9 years ago by Vinay.

    Thank you very much!




    Glad we could help :-)


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