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  • #1435585

    I would like to go to the start page by clicking on the logo.

    this is standard behavior of Enfold setting ( WordPress on general). So if this is not the case there had to be something ( maybe allready in your functions.php) that hampers this action.

    So what is exactly on your code in the XXXX part. Or just get rid of that entry. And have a look what happens then.



    Thank you for the inquiry.

    As mentioned by @Guenni007 above, this is the default behavior of the logo link when clicked. If you’re on a different page, the site will have to reload in order to redirect to the home page.

    Best regards,


    the problem seems to be that all pages do only reload. So there must be a setting in his installation that overrides the default behavior ( namely to redirect to the homepage ).


    Thank you very much for your quick help.

    Exactly, currently the page is reloading. I would like to link to the mainpage. I have included the link for “XXX” that I had marked as private during the first posting.

    At which point could a corresponding code still be stored? There is nothing to be found in the Function.php of the child theme / the main theme and the Quick CSS.

    Best regards,



    What if you erase that snippet. The normal behavior is exactly what you try to achive.
    What is the reason for that existing snippet in your functions.php?


    I erased the code, but the problem is still there…



    Thanks for the update. Are you using any plugins which might be altering the default behaviour?

    Best regards,


    After erasing the snippet – did you refresh enfold merging – or delete Cachings ( Browser Caching, maybe any other caching tools)

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