ich hätte gern auf bestimmten Unterseiten, dass die verlinkten Textblöcke (Headline und Text) nicht – aufgrund des Links – unterstrichen erscheinen. Könnt Ihr mir da ein CSS zukommen lassen? Betroffen ist das Element section.av_textblock_section. Kann man auch den kompletten Textblock verlinken?
Danke vorab!
Viele Grüße.
Hi Nicoletta_DUS,
I replied to your previous topics about english/german, would you like to keep communicating in german? If so I’ll tag Andy for your topics. I would recommend you use english though since you will get help much faster.
I tagged Andy for the topic in case you want to keep communicating in german.
Best regards,
Hi Rikard,
the linked text blocks (headline and text) are automatically underlined ( because of the links). Can you send a CSS that prevents the underlining on certain subpages? The affected element is “section.av_textblock_section”. Can I also set a link to the complete text block?
Thank you in advance!
Would you mind providing a precise link to your site, showing the elements in question? We need to be able to inspect them in order to help :)
Best regards,