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  • #477338

    I have my “Highlight Color” set to a dark orange, #c46f00 ( but in my actual site (e.g., hovering links turns them white, which in my white main content area means they’re invisible.

    When I firebug the code I see that color getting cancelled out even though the only override is “inherit.”

    The only things I edited in Advanced Styling are in the main menu.

    Any advice?


    Hi JeeBar!

    Please add the below css to your custom css section:

    p a:hover {
    	color:  #c46f00 !important;



    Thanks Dake. I had tried something like that earlier, just forgot the important p tag. Now I also need to fix it somewhere else so links in containers on my home page work too, which I can handle.

    Can you explain WHY it’s doing this? The setting seems pretty straightforward, validated by the preview, but actual behavior is different. Some known gap/bug in the way the setting works?



    You’re welcome Jeebar :)

    I might be able to come up with a more conclusive idea of what caused it if I had temporary access to your website.



    Cool. If you’d like to look into it (I figure you might since it’s a mystery) here’s credentials in private content.



    The other appropriate links are now showing the correct on hover effect thanks to the below css:

    .main_color a:hover {
            color:  #c46f00 !important;

    In order to find out if their is a conflict of sorts, I would recommend that you comment out the css in your custom css section then deactivate all of your plugins.


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