Tagged: forum, html, link, notworking, support
In fact, the link text has also been removed from the post when it was within a code element
‘code element’
<start link href=”http://www.google.com” title=”Google”></ end link>
NOTE: I have changed ‘a href’ to ‘start link a’ and /a to end link so it appears.
You need to write something between the tags:
<a href="http://google.com">This is the clickable part</a>
I was using the link button to create the link. It did have stuff between the tags.
The one on my last post was hand written without using the link button.
In your video you didn’t have anything between the tags, it’s working for everyone else to I’m pretty sure you’re doing something wrong like in your video.
Why can’t I see the full contents of the link popup?