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  • #1464955

    Hi Team Kriesi,
    never happened before, but never had this font also.
    Line-height is somehow calculated and cannot be undone. Inspector (Styles in Chrome) doesn’t show me the css for line-height, but calculated shows me value in px. Lets say H1 not showing line-height in css, but calculated is 54 px. I tried andvanced styling, css for body – nothing worked.
    Do you have any idea, where i can turn down the calculated line-height?
    Thanks in advance.


    Hey xxtita,

    I’m not sure I fully understand your question, what do you mean by calculated values?

    Best regards,


    Inspector on p in the footer:
    Inspector > Styles css-rules that are shown line-height:1.1em !important line-height:1.65em line-height:1êm
    all are not giving the p a line-height of 1.1em and I can not see which class or rule effects or forces line-height to approx 1.65em
    Inspector > Computed
    says line-height for p is 33px
    Thats why I thought its calculated.
    I made in advanced styling
    <body> line-height 1.1em
    I made in Customizer
    /* Fonts */
    body {line-height:1.1em !important}
    but nothing forces p to have a line-height of 1.1em

    Ok, got it, had to make another Advanced Styling, extra for p with line-height 1.1em
    But still have no idea where enfold takes 1.65em for p
    But Advanced Styling helped me out
    This worked out.
    Thanks a lot.



    Great, I’m glad that you found a solution. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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