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  • #1002590

    I am moving one site to enfold and I need to show 3 videos in each post.

    Actual short code:

    [image size="thumb" title="The Title" icon="play" lightbox="true" link=""]
    [image size="thumb" title="The Title" icon="play" lightbox="true" link=""]
    [image size="thumb" title="The Title" icon="play" lightbox="true" link=""]

    That shows 3 images with a play button, when you click one a Lightbox open playing the video there, in site.

    Enfold short code:

    [av_one_third first]
    [av_video src='' mobile_image='' attachment='' attachment_size='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' conditional_play='' av_uid='']
    [av_video src='' mobile_image='' attachment='' attachment_size='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' conditional_play='' av_uid='']
    [av_video src='' mobile_image='' attachment='' attachment_size='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' conditional_play='' av_uid='']

    That show 3 tiny videos that you can play “Tiny size” or click the title “inside the video” so they open in a new page directly in youtube.

    How can I do what I have in the actual short code ?

    Thank you.


    well if you got that image ( and you can not insert the image directly to enfold as link) take always the 0 one of preview images – it is the biggest one – and always the https variant.

    so to see above the shortcodes – i suppose that you know how to insert the link to this preview image.
    First enter one of your media images – then replace the link in debug mode.
    as manual link of the image i would insert a better input here ( this only works here because with manual link. a pitty that we can not insert it in video alb or color-section background-video)
    always add to your watch youtube video link following:


    the ecver=2 is for not showing on pausing the video – other video suggestions
    playsinline is for showing on modern mobiles the video as if it was a desktop embed. Iframes etc
    rel=0 ist for not showing at the end some other video suggestions etc. pp

    my code would be than (only 1/3):

    [av_one_third first min_height='av-equal-height-column' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-nas6lr' custom_class='']
    [av_image src='' attachment='' attachment_size='full' align='center' styling='' hover='' link='manually,' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' copyright='' animation='no-animation' av_uid='av-jldgiixt' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_image]

    look here:


    and something new i have learned:
    if you take the image:
    there will be no black bars !


    So the final code should be:

    [av_one_third first min_height='av-equal-height-column' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-nas6lr' custom_class='']
    [av_image src='' attachment='' attachment_size='full' align='center' styling='' hover='' link='manually,' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' copyright='' animation='no-animation' av_uid='av-jldgiixt' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_image]
    [av_one_third min_height='av-equal-height-column' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-nas6lr' custom_class='']
    [av_image src='' attachment='' attachment_size='full' align='center' styling='' hover='' link='manually,' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' copyright='' animation='no-animation' av_uid='av-jldgiixt' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_image]
    [av_one_third min_height='av-equal-height-column' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' space='' margin='0px' margin_sync='true' link='' linktarget='' link_hover='' padding='0px' padding_sync='true' border='' border_color='' radius='0px' radius_sync='true' background='bg_color' background_color='' background_gradient_color1='' background_gradient_color2='' background_gradient_direction='vertical' src='' attachment='' attachment_size='' background_position='top left' background_repeat='no-repeat' animation='' mobile_breaking='' mobile_display='' av_uid='av-nas6lr' custom_class='']
    [av_image src='' attachment='' attachment_size='full' align='center' styling='' hover='' link='manually,' target='' caption='' font_size='' appearance='' overlay_opacity='0.4' overlay_color='#000000' overlay_text_color='#ffffff' copyright='' animation='no-animation' av_uid='av-jldgiixt' custom_class='' admin_preview_bg=''][/av_image]


    Is there a cleaner way to have this short code? Like the one I am starting with? Removing all the conditions?

    Pasting all that in 500 posts and edit it to have the videos is not that easy. If something changes in the theme later I will end with a bunch of unusable code.

    The idea is to have the less code possible and the cleaner one as well.

    Thank you.


    and take the image: with: maxresdefault.jpg. (that is without black bars !

    [av_one_third min_height='av-equal-height-column' vertical_alignment='av-align-top' av_uid='av-zi631r']
    [av_image src='' align='center' link='manually,'][/av_image]

    but the addendums are for me important – because i do not want to have on pausing the video:
    see link
    – right image (last 1/3) and pause it.
    go to the end of the video and see.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.

    the f.e. av_uid=’av-zi631r’. comes from Enfold itself – it will be added although you have not set it.



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007, much appreciated. Did you get everything working as it should @peterolle?

    Best regards,


    Yes, it seems that can work for now. Thank you.

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