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  • #539457

    Hello, I’ve been reading the forum trying to find a way to solve my problem but didn’t exactly find it.
    First I should say I am not a dev and I am using the WP avia layout builder to build my pages. I’ve imported the Enfold demo and used the demo templates for most of the pages on the site. But now I need another one and I saw that the The Enfold Starup Business Demo page ( ) is exactly what I need for that one page. I know that if I import it, I will lose all my previous settings. So I was wondering how I could build a landing page like that one using the Avia layout builder. I am mostly interested in having a video playing in a lightbox after clicking on the icon.
    I’ve tried using a background image with the lightbox link option, but didn’t find how to link the lightbox to the video. I should say that my video is uploaded to the media library of WP.
    Another thong I would like to do is the fullscreen button same as in the startup demo. The one the avia builder proposes is not really fullscreen wide and I can’t change the height.
    Thank you for helping a dummy)


    Hey NNE!

    Please add icon element to your page and link it to your video and it will play in lightbox.
    For fullwidth button element, please place it outside of the container as it takes the width of containers, when placed outside of one, it will be fullwidth :)

    Best regards,


    Thank you Yigit!
    Yep, for the button it’s really easy)
    I’ll try the icon element for the video.



    Please go to Content Elements tabs of Advanced Layout Builder and add icon element to your page and choose to make it linked and link it to your video. You can find video link in Media > Library



    That’s the first thing I’ve tried, for the icon element. It opens my video on the same page but when it’s over, you have to hit the back button to go back to the page. No lightbox unfortunately. I saw there are plugins that do that but hoped to avoid them.



    Can you please try adding ?iframe=true to the end of your video link and check if that helps? Also, please choose to open the link on the same page



    it worked with the “?iframe=true” added to the video link.
    Thanks again Yigit!



    You are welcome!
    For your information, you can take a look at Enfold documentation here –
    And if there are features that you wish Enfold had, you can request them and vote the requested ones here –
    For any other questions or issues, feel free to post them here on the forum and we will gladly try to help you :)

    Best regards,

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