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  • #1066858


    I try to change the image size for a single image lightbox. Unfortunately it keeps loading the ‘large’ size whatever i try.

    How can i change the image size from ‘large’ to ‘extra_large’ in a child theme. I tried to modify the image.php file. I got it working for masonry.

    Thanks in advance


    Hey Roger,

    Can you disable caching and minification for now?

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    I switched op wp-rocket. I am use photoswipe, instead of the enfold-lightbox.

    What i need is to get ‘full’ image size in
    a href=”×773.jpg”

    the size should be chosen in image.php


    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Roger. Reason: it linked to the lightbox

    Hi Roger,

    This is totally on the plugins side, Enfold does not weigh in here. You might want to check plugins’ docs for a possible setting or configuration.

    Best regards,


    Hello Victoria,

    Than you for your answer. But unfortunately this is nog true.

    Let me ask the question on another way. How can I get the lightbox to load a ‘full’ size version of an image when using the standard Magnific Lightbox from Enfold. Right now, the lightbox loads the ‘large’ version of an image.

    This got nothing to do with any plugins.

    Thank you in advance



    Hi Roger,

    Please, try selecting a bigger image here, when you insert it.
    Image 2019-02-18 at 15.26.22.png

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    Thank you for your answer.

    This is only the display option. I want to modify the image in the lightbox , so in the anchor element.




    Can you please try re-phrase what you need to do, not sure how the anchor is working together with the lightbox?

    Best regards,


    Hello Basilis,

    I want to insert a single image on a page with the link set to lightbox in the image.

    The size of the attachment file of the lightbox should be ‘extra_large’ instead of ‘large’ which enfold chooses.

    I think something should be changed around line 452 of image.php, but i cannot get it working.




    I know where to look. In the file ‘generic-helper.class.php’in line 82 I want ‘large to change to ‘extra_large’.
    I can do this manually, but is it possible to get this in the child theme?




    Those classes unfortunatley cant be loaded from a child theme.

    Best regards,



    unfortunately it is the wrong answer.
    I found the right answer here:



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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